Anybody can sign up for the PALS or the Pediatric Advanced Life Support classes as they are the life-saving techniques meant for saving lives of children and infants involved in any emergency situation ranging from a cardiac arrest to airway emergencies such as drowning, choking, suffocation, etc. The techniques can come for the use of as much as the healthcare professionals such as the doctors, nurses, paramedics, etc as much for the parents, teachers, babysitters, etc so anyone who is in a constant touch with children or has to deal with children on a daily basis can benefit from the PALS techniques. The PALS training can come for your use in the following ways: Children are quite immature and playful by nature so they are very much prone to getting involved in emergency situations which can be risky for their lives but children being children would not understand the consequences that they may face because of being involved in any emergency situation so you being adults,...