Emergencies can strike anyone, anytime, there are no said timings to the occurrence of an emergency. Emergencies can range from airway emergencies such as drowning and choking to cardiac emergencies such as cardiac arrests and a heart attack to various types of accidents such as injuries due to burns, accidents causing fracture of bones, muscle spasms, so on and so forth. The best way for someone to deal with such emergencies is by getting trained in the important first aid procedures. The most vital of all the first aid procedures are the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation procedures which comprises of chest compressions and rescue breathings. Proper application of the CPR procedures on a victim during a cardiac emergency scenario can revive the life of the victim. For training always select a renowned and certified training site such as if you are a resident of Tampa then enroll yourself for a CPR class Tampa at the AHA accredited CPR Tampa. Courses are there for each and every profe...