Most sudden cardiac deaths (SCD) are caused by abnormal heart
rhythms called arrhythmias with the most common life-threatening arrhythmia
being ventricular fibrillation, which is an erratic firing of impulses from the
ventricles. It reduces the heart’s ability to pump blood and death will occur
within minutes, if left untreated. Emergency treatment includes cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillation where the former keeps enough oxygen in
the lungs and gets it to the brain until the normal heart rhythm is restored
with an electric shock to the chest (defibrillation).
For a CPR certification Tampa, make sure to select a certified training site such as
the AHA accredited CPR Tampa in Florida. Certified and experienced instructors
conduct the classes that involves both theoretical and practical training.
Become AHA certified at the end of the training classes after successfully passing
a skills test and written exam.
Arrhythmia is common for all to be classified in two
principal ways:
Where in the heart the arrhythmia originates – in the upper
chambers or the lower chambers
1. Lower
chamber origin: ventricular arrhythmia
2. Upper
chamber origin: supraventricular origin
Whether the arrhythmia increases or decreases the ticker rate
1. Tachycardia:
Too Fast
2. Bradycardia:
Too Slow
Ventricular- Arrhythmias
occurring in the atria (the top chambers of the ticker) are supraventricular
(above the ventricles) in origin, whereas ventricular arrhythmias start in the
ventricles (the lower chambers of the ticker). The heart’s main pumping
chambers are the ventricles, and the majority of the potentially lethal arrhythmias
are ventricular in origin.
Supraventricular- Like we
have already mentioned that arrhythmias that occur in the atria (the top
chambers of the heart) are supraventricular (above the ventricles) in origin
which aren’t responsible for dramatic events such as sudden cardiac death, but
the most common arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, is supraventricular and can
lead to fatal strokes.
A healthy ticker normally beats in a steady and coordinated way which
slows down or speeds up depending on the body’s needs. The rate at which your
heart beats is important because it influences how much oxygenated blood
circulates around the body.
The heart rhythm under normal control is referred to as sinus
rhythm during which the ticker’s natural pacemaker controls the rhythm. This
pacemaker gets affected by the hormones and nervous system of the body that helps
in determining the heart rate. Bradycardia is a heartbeat that’s too slow and a
heartbeat too fast is called
Pacemaker Problems and Conduction problems (where an electrical
pulse’s path is blocked or where the electrical signal somehow circles back to
stimulate a second pulse instead of naturally ending).
Some arrhythmias have no symptoms; while others are
dramatically debilitating with some relatively common arrhythmia symptoms being
fainting, dizziness, premature beats, palpitations or skipped beats, lightheadedness
and fatigue.
Hope, you find this information to be useful.
join a CPR course at CPR Tampa, either register online or call on (813)
453-9974 for the same.
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