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Showing posts from September, 2019

Tips To Prevent Heart Failure From Worsening And CPR Tampa Classes

Heart failure (HF) affects nearly 6 million Americans, and is the leading cause of hospitalization in people older than 65. Heart failure means that the ticker works less efficiently than normal. Blood- due to various possible causes- moves through the heart and body at a slower rate, and pressure in the heart increases. The ticker, as a result cannot pump enough oxygen and nutrients to meet the body’s needs. The heart’s chambers may respond by stretching to hold more blood to pump through the body or by becoming thick and stiffened, which helps to keep the blood moving, but the heart muscle walls may eventually weaken and become unable to pump as efficiently. The kidneys, as a result may respond by causing the body to retain fluid (water) and salt. The body becomes congested if fluid builds up in the arms, legs, ankles, feet, lungs, or other organs, and congestive heart failure (CHF) is the term used to describe condition. Types of HF include systolic dysfunction or systolic hea...

Foods That Can Save Your Heart And Keep It In Good Shape

Keeping your ticker in good shape can ensure a long life for you. Heart disease increases the risk of cardiac emergencies which can be life-threatening. High cholesterol and high blood pressure are the major risk factors for heart disease. Eating well and regular exercise can help manage your risk factors. The best way to handle cardiac arrest cases is by getting CPR trained at an accredited training site, such as the AHA certified CPR Tampa in Florida. Certified instructors conduct the classes through a series of audio and video lectures and hands-on practice. An AHA CPR certification Tampa comes with a validity of 2 years which means you’ll have to go for a CPR renewal course to extend the validity of your provider card. Here’s a list of foods that can save your heart: Fresh Herbs - You’re making a heart-healthy choice when you add these to your foods instead of salt and fat as they add flavor without the bad stuff. Black Beans - Mild, tender beans are filled with h...