Creative ideas that help in changing habits can have a
positive impact on your heart health provided you make the right changes. We have heard this saying that “old habits die hard”
but with the right motivation, an individual can easily change habits and when
it comes to behaviors like quitting smoking, health improvements can be really
quick. But not every shortcut for heart health pay off. We are going to discuss
about which health hack really work for the health of your ticker and which
Not keeping your ticker in good shape can increase your risk
for a cardiac arrest or heart attack. These are life-threatening and a victim
would require immediate treatment for survival. Going for a CPR certification Tampa course can
prove to be beneficial. CPR procedure comprises chest compressions and rescue
breaths. Proper application can revive the life of a victim involved in a
cardiac emergency. Select a certified training center for acquiring training
such as the AHA certified CPR Tampa in Florida.
Health Hacks:
E-cigarettes help quit
smoking- Smoking is a leading cardiovascular disease risk factor and
quitting smoking can have a positive impact on your health. It can be very
difficult to quit smoking and more people are resorting to e-cigarettes. Sadly,
there’s no good, consistent evidence that electronic cigarettes help smokers
quit the traditional tar ones. Additionally, the chemicals in the vapors are a
matter of concern which can have harmful health effects. It holds true for
other popular swaps among smokers as well, such as using a hookah or changing
to cigars. Find out other ways that can help you quit smoking.
Munching on
energy bars help lose weight- May or may not. According to a
latest research, eating protein shakes and energy bars can actually make people
eat more and exercise less which can be attributed to a misperception that
simply eating a food labeled “healthy” means exercise isn’t necessary.
Additionally, most of such snacks are highly processed and less helpful for
weight loss. Carefully read the labels to know what you are taking in. You can
exactly see how much sugar, sodium and saturated fat are there in the snack
just by checking the Nutrition Facts. So-called health bars can never replace
heart-healthy foods and exercise.
Vitamin Supplements Offer a Ticker-healthy Diet- A big
“NO”. Remember, advertising tends to mislead and as a consumer you cannot
always be sure what you are getting as supplements aren’t regulated the same
way that pharmaceutical drugs are. Experts recommend to follow a heart-healthy
Mediterranean diet which is one of the best ways to get the nutrients your
ticker needs. The Mediterranean diet features a rainbow’s worth of fruits,
vegetables and other plant foods- these are the best sources of antioxidants
and vitamins you can consume.
Catching Up on Sleep during
Weekends- People have this wrong notion that one can “catch up” on
lost sleep during the weekend. Added sleep however is beneficial to heart
health. Give yourself better-quality sleep throughout the week. Maintain a
consistent timing of going to bed and getting up every day.
Set Small Goals- Don’t set
big goals which can seem impossible. Instead break it into smaller intermediate
goals as you are more likely to reach them then. Tracking devices can help motivate
you in this area in making manageable, healthy changes.
Adopt healthy lifestyle measures to keep your heart in good
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