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Common Myths Busted about Heart Failure and Atrial Fibrillation

There are several myths surrounding heart failure and atrial fibrillation, even their names tend to confuse. But either can be treated or managed and you can go on to enjoying a full life.

Myth- As the name suggests, heart failure (HF) means the ticker doesn’t work anymore and will very soon stop beating.

Fact- Your ticker is a muscle, HF indicates that your muscle has weakened immensely or stiffened to pump blood in and out of your ticker the way it should. Never will your ticker suddenly stop.

Myth- We cannot treat HF.

Fact- You can treat HF with medication that can make your ticker stronger. Surgery can also be beneficial in helping blood go around clogged arteries and get to your ticker. For instance, your doctor can replace heart valves that cause the problems. Heart pumps and implants can make your ticker beat stronger or stay in a normal, regular rhythm.

Myth- You cannot determine if you have HF.

Fact- You can easily spot a few early signs like you may feel tired without any reason, you may feel out of breath or cough or wheeze when you lie down, weight gain or swelling of lower legs, feet, or ankles due to fluid buildup, a feeling of confusion and nauseous from time to time. If you spot these signs, immediately see your doctor.

Myth- HF cannot be prevented.

Fact- Although you cannot prevent heart failure altogether, but you can significantly lower your chances by staying active and at a healthy weight; cutting back on alcohol, and quitting smoking; getting health conditions that may affect your heart, such as diabetes, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and obesity under control and dealing well with stress.

Myth- Heart attack (myocardial infarction) is the biggest danger of Atrial Fibrillation.

Fact- The condition (A-fib) is a problem with your heart’s valves that don’t push blood through the four chambers of your heart as well as they should that can result in blood backing up in your ticker and causing clots increasing the chances of stroke (clot blocking an artery in the brain thus cutting off blood flow to the part of your brain). You can lower your chances of having A-fib with medicine, regular exercise, diet, and a healthy lifestyle.

Myth- An irregular heartbeat caused by Atrial Fibrillation can easily be felt.

Fact- Some people with A-fib have no recognizable symptoms and one may feel their ticker race or flutter and an individual also might feel dizzy or lightheaded. A doctor conducts a heart test called an electrocardiogram to know if one has A-fib.

Myth- You shouldn’t drive a car if you have A-fib.

Fact- Only if you don’t get faint or have dizzy spells that you drive a car. It’s better to talk to your doctor about driving. Make sure that your A-fib is under control if you are thinking about taking a trip by car. Also consult with your healthcare provider before making a long drive in extreme temperatures or at high altitudes like in the mountains.

Hope, we’ve been able to clear your understanding in relation to heart failure and atrial fibrillation.
Sign up for a CPR course in order to face life-threatening cardiac emergencies efficiently. If you are on the lookout for a CPR class in Tampa, don’t look beyond the AHAcertified CPR Tampa in Florida, call on 813-453-9974. Go through the class schedule and choose the most appropriate program according to your professional background. There are CPR courses for both healthcare and non-healthcare providers. If timing of your program isn’t convenient, you can sign up at our Palm Harbor CPR Tampa training site (36141 US Highway 19 North, Palm Harbor, FL 34684).


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