Fibrillation or A-fib episodes can come on suddenly and are often
life-threatening that can last for a few hours, a few days, or be continually
present. The episodes stop without any sort of intervention sometimes, but
other times it’s essential to take appropriate action. A-fib is an irregular
heartbeat and individuals with the condition may have a rapid heart rate or
feel a fluttering sensation in their chest. A-fib may happen because of some
health problems like high blood pressure interfering with the electrical
signals that control the heartbeat.
fibrillation are of three types- Paroxysmal
that begin suddenly and stop in less than a day; Persistent that lasts for more than 7 days and may necessitate
treatment; Permanent that is
continually present and doesn’t respond to treatment. Although A-fib itself is
usually not life-threatening, but it can lead to complications, such as heart
failure and stroke so people should take this medical condition seriously.
a lowdown on different methods that may help stop an episode of paroxysmal or persistent
A-fib after it begins:
Deep Breathings- Sit down and place one hand on the stomach to
practice deep breathing, inhale deeply through the nose for a count of four
seconds all the way into the stomach. Perform this slowly until your lungs are
completely filled up with air. Hold the breath for a moment prior to exhaling
through the mouth.
Yoga- Yoga is a useful relaxation technique and is known to relax those who
practice it by focusing on the breathing which could be particularly beneficial
for those with A-fib.
Drink Cold Water- Drinking a glass of cold water can steady the heart
rate. This is especially beneficial for those whose A-fib episode has been
brought on by dehydration.
Vagal Maneuvers- Vagal maneuvers involve doing things to trigger the
vagus nerve, a nerve that impacts heart function that may stop a paroxysmal
A-fib episode.
Exercise- Aim for at least 20 minutes of aerobic activity most days that may
include walking, jogging, hiking, cycling, etc. Exercise not only maintains a
healthy body weight, but also regulates the heart rate, stops stress, and
lowers blood pressure.
Eat a Healthy Diet- Reduce the risk of A-fib episodes, strokes, and
heart conditions by following a heart-healthy diet. It is as important to stay
hydrated throughout the day to prevent episodes of atrial fibrillation and
other health concerns. Individuals with A-fib should drink no more than two
alcoholic beverages on any day as even moderate drinking can cause A-fib episodes
in those with heart disease or diabetes as per research. Research on the
benefits or risks of caffeine for individuals with A-fib is mixed. It is
advisable to avoid excessive quantities of caffeine while moderate amounts or
tea or coffee may be fine.
Manage High Cholesterol and Blood
Pressure- High cholesterol is a major
heart attack risk factor that can also impact the heart rate. On the other
hand, high blood pressure can interrupt the electrical system that regulates a
steady heartbeat. Work with your healthcare provider if lifestyle changes
cannot keep these health markers in the healthy range as medication may be
enough sleep, maintain a healthy weight, quit smoking and stop stressing- these
are other methods to stop an A-fib episode.
this piece of information proves beneficial for you.
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